We have created a comprehensive easy-to-use Salon Sanitation Plan to ensure that your salon is properly sanitized prior to opening as well as listing suggested sanitation practices to follow on an on-going basis.
Click to access.
Automate reminders for all rebooked appointments. If there are any cancellations for week one appointments, offer to move up VIP clients from week two for the same services to fill those spaces. Those clients will appreciate seeing you sooner and you'll keep revenue coming in.
Place easily visible marks using a durable material (ie electrical tape) on floors to meet official social distancing guidelines in your area. This should be done in your reception/retail area as well as workstations, shampoo area, color and break rooms.
Make sure that you have received all service products and that back bar, color room and retail shelves are properly stocked. This includes having plenty of gloves, capes, masks, bowls, applicator brushes, clips and other implementations.
Place signs at public entrances of your salon to inform staff and clients that they should avoid entering if they have a cough or fever and maintain a minimum distance from one another per state/federal guidelines. In addition, put signs in the reception area and restrooms to inform staff and clientele of cleaning and sanitation practices as well as social distancing guide lines.
Click to access we've created print-ready salon signage.
It is vital salons and studios of all sizes adopt and adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the safest possible working environment for all who enter. These guidelines are to be strictly followed until notification from the Professional Beauty Association or your local government officials announce they can be modified or lifted. See below for guidelines established by the PBA Safe Salon Charter.
Whenever possible, disposable rubber gloves are to be worn when providing any services that require direct hand contact with the client. If this is not possible, wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after working in contact with clients. Whenever working with a client in close proximity, it is vital that a facial mask, preferably the ASTM Level 2, be worn. Masks and gloves should be disposed of after use with each client. If this is not possible due to a lack of availability of either item, masks and gloves should be cleansed and disinfected before being used again. Each salon staff member must have their body temperature taken before starting their work shift and again at the end of their work shift. If any staff member is feeling ill or has a temperature greater than 99.7 degrees Fahrenheit, they must leave work immediately and not return until they are feeling healthy and their temperature has returned to a normal range.
Clients must have their body temperature taken via touch thermometer prior to entering the salon. Clients with a temperature greater than 99.7 degrees Fahrenheit must not enter the salon. Any salon client that exhibits signs of illness must be denied salon services and must be asked to leave the salon. Do not shake hands with clients or salon personnel - whenever possible maintain the requisite 6ft social distancing.